What is the “For The Brave” event?
This event starting in March 2022 celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Stars & Stripes collection. Enjoy a year full of giveaways, contests and a Quilt Along with Patti Carey of Patti's Patchwork!
What if I miss one of the monthly blocks?
Don’t worry! We will send out an email each month with links to Patti’s block tutorials and much more!
Besides all my quilting tools and Stars & Stripes Anniversary Quilt pattern, what will I need to participate?
You will need to use our Stars & Stripes 10th Anniversary collection to be eligible to win the monthly giveaways. The creative contest projects can be made using the 10th Anniversary collection and any existing Stars & Stripes coordinates included in the collection. Check the Resources section on our website to view the collection as well as the Creative Contest Info & Rules.
Where and how can I enter the giveaways and contests?
Our giveaways will take place on the @NorthcottFabric Instagram account. The creative contests will be hosted on Woobox. Information about our contests will be shared on our Instagram and Facebook accounts closer to the date. Be sure to follow us, use the hashtag #ForTheBrave2022 and remember to turn on our Instagram post notifications to not miss out!
Who is sponsoring the event?
Which stores are selling the Stars & Stripes 10th Anniversary collection?
Check out our Participating Shops section to view an updated list of shops selling the Stars and Stripes 10th Anniversary collection.
Where can I sign up for the monthly newsletter (starting in March) and information updates?
Check out the 'For The Brave Dedicated Newsletter Signup' link under Resources to sign up for our monthly event newsletter!
Is there access to any exclusive tips or tricks by Patti Carey?
Yes! In addition to our monthly 'For The Brave Dedicated Newsletter', Patti also offers an exclusive 'Quilt-Along Newsletter' filled with tips and tricks. Be sure to sign up on PattisPatchwork.com!