We are the home of “cottons that feel like silk”. Our fine cotton prints with a silky hand can be found in quilt and craft shops around the world. We are known for our superior quality and admirable customer service. The quilting industry is where we have built a name for ourselves and a community of great customers, distributors and partners. We design and partner with the best designers to produce fabrics to sell wholesale to your local shops and distributors.
Our mission is to offer a wide variety of quality fabrics that will inspire everyone to sew and craft! We want you to be able to find a fabric that motivates you to make something unique. The art of quilting and sewing is something we are very passionate about.
We were founded in 1935, originally as a fashion textile converter. During the mid '80s we shifted our focus to the ever-expanding cotton print market of quilting! It has been an amazing journey and we continue to grow and expand each year. We launched Banyan Batiks in 2017, FIGO fabrics in 2018, Patrick Lose Fabrics has partnered with us for 2020, and Anna Maria Textiles has partnered with us for 2024.
Follow us on social media as we always have something exciting to share #NorthcottFabrics
Banyan Batiks is a division of Northcott and was established in 2017. We challenge all aspects of the batik design process with innovative tjaps (pronounced chops), creative designs and a vast color assortment. We set ourselves apart from other batik companies by offering cohesive collections that work well together in quilts and other fun projects.
Our mission is to bring the unique fabric designs made by the local artisans of Indonesia to quilt and craft stores around the world. We are passionate about supporting the long-standing traditions and culture of fabric production in Indonesia. We work with them to invent new techniques and gorgeous color ranges. We also like to have popular guest designers bring their unique style into the batik world. When you choose Banyan Batiks for your next project, you’re getting a truly original batik that is a hand made, one-of-a-kind!
Follow us on social media if your ready to fall in love with batiks #BanyanBatiks
At FIGO, attitude is everything, so much so that FIGO means cool. Our brand embodies this meaning and so do the people that create here. We are vibrant, energetic and we think outside the box.
FIGO produces fabric with a current aesthetic, embracing what’s trendy and modern. Our designs are pretty, edgy and diverse and are sure to please the eyes of modern sewists and crafters. With designers from various industries, each offering a distinct design flair, FIGO provides enough variety to tickle the sensibilities of all creators and add some attitude to whatever they’re working on.
As a division of Northcott, we understand quality, which is why we’re not straying away from Northcott’s impeccable standards and silky hand that you have come to know and love.
FIGO has a very simple mission: produce kickass fabrics with style and quality, make you want more, and build a community of FIGO friends to share its fabrics with. Follow the fun on social media #FIGOfabrics
Led creatively by Anna Maria Parry (formerly Horner), the newest division of Northcott introduces a dedicated home for Anna Maria's distinctive designs - Anna Maria Textiles.
From ongoing and limited-release quilting cottons and precuts to yarn-dyed wovens, patterns and kits, Anna Maria Textiles presents an exciting range of print, texture, and vibrant color that Anna Maria is known for across the quilting and craft industries and beyond.
With the support of Northcott's expertise in production and distribution, Anna Maria Textiles marries the creative voice of Anna Maria with a high standard of quality, innovation, customer support, and community engagement.
Anna Maria Parry is a renowned designer with over 20 years of experience in the textile industry, and many more as an artist, maker, and shop owner. Known globally for her colorful and distinctive prints, quilts, and sewing and needlework patterns, Anna Maria brings her unique vision and expertise to Anna Maria Textiles.
Northcott fabrics can be found in quilt and craft shops around the world. Northcott is a wholesale company, meaning we sell our fabrics to stores who then sell to the public. You cannot buy directly from Northcott unless you are a store or distributor. The drop-down menus below are for stores. They will provide you with the Northcott Sales Representative or Distributor for your territory.
Regina Storms
*Online stores only
Veronica Hofman-Ortega
423 304-9710
Cindy Hartmann Moore
Debbie Richard
Lesa McDonald
Email: lesamcdonald@protonmail.com
Andy Jacobs
Email: JakeASales@gmail.com
Cell: 415-793-4101
Roxanna Eke
Telephone: 323-375-4696
Email: roxanna.c.eke@gmail.com
Sandi Kline
Email: sandikfab@gmail.com
Telephone: 720-724-1783
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
John Tonney
Email: berryhill_1885@yahoo.com
North Florida
Jeffrey Barrett
Cell: 201-739-5982
Email: jmbar27@gmail.com
South Florida
Jimmy Coombs
Cell: 407-496-9894
Kim Deneault
Email: kidzsew@gmail.com
To place an order please email info2@northcott.com or call 201-672-9600
Barclay Prescott
Telephone: 562-646-7589
Email: barclay@prescottemail.com
Marc Jacobs
Telephone: 312-213-4667
Email: marcjacobs@aol.com
Marc Jacobs
Telephone: 312-213-4667
Email: marcjacobs@aol.com
Rick Rasmussen
Stephanie Brandenburg
Jan Gill
Telephone: 720-383-8462
Email: Jan@Mountaintopquilts.com
Veronica Hofman-Ortega
Email: fabricrepveronica@gmail.com
Telephone: 423 304-9710
Lesa McDonald
Telephone: 660-888-5562
Email: LesaMcDonald@protonmail.com
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
John Tonney
Email: berryhill_1885@yahoo.com
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
Eric Meyers
Email: quiltmaker22@gmail.com
Rick Rasmussen
Telephone: 612-805-8438
Email: razrags@comcast.net
Lesa McDonald
Telephone: 660-888-5562
Email: LesaMcDonald@protonmail.com
Lesa McDonald
Telephone: 660-888-5562
Email: LesaMcDonald@protonmail.com
Barclay Prescott
Telephone: 562-646-7589
Email: barclay@prescottemail.com
Jan Gill
Telephone: 720-383-8462
Email: Jan@Mountaintopquilts.com
Andy Jacobs
2870 NW Cumberland Rd
Portland, OR 97210
Email: JakeASales@gmail.com
Cell: 415-793-4101
Roxanna Eke
Telephone: 323-375-4696
Email: roxanna.c.eke@gmail.com
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
Millie Gross
Email: millie.gross@outlook.com
Debbie Richards
Telephone: 480-209-6193
Email: Debssewingessentials@outlook.com
Millie Gross
Email: millie.gross@outlook.com
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
Kim Deneault
Telephone: 804-852-3934
Email: kidzsew@gmail.com
Laurie Schaff
Telephone: 605-641-7518
Email: laurie.schaff@gmail.com
Jeffrey M Barrett
Telephone: (201) 739-5982
Email: jmbar27@gmail.com
Eric Meyers
Telephone: 740-334-7593
Email: quiltmaker22@gmail.com
David Brandon
Email: dbtextiles@me.com
Sarah Nelson
Email: sarah.dbtextiles@gmail.com
Holly Hilby
Email: holly.hilby@gmail.com
Telephone: 206-291-6835
Millie Gross
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
Kim Deneault
Email: kidzsew@gmail.com
Laurie Schaff
Telephone: 605-641-7518
Email: laurie.schaff@gmail.com
Bob Vann
Telephone: (954)404-8091
Email: bobbvsales@gmail.com
Veronica Hofman-Ortega
Email: fabricrepveronica@gmail.com
Telephone: 423 304-9710
Bob Adams
Email: adamsrl@swbell.net
Telephone: 214-704-9228
David Brandon
Email: dbtextiles@me.com
Sarah Nelson
Email: sarah.dbtextiles@gmail.com
Barclay Prescott
Telephone: 562-646-7589
Email: barclay@prescottemail.com
Tina Michalik
Telephone: 831-239-8306
Email: saffronandpear@gmail.com
Linda V. Wood
Telephone: 757-439-3153
Email: lvwfabrep@gmail.com
Holly Hilby
Email: holly.hilby@gmail.com
Telephone: 206-291-6835
Holly Hilby
Email: holly.hilby@gmail.com
Telephone: 206-291-6835
Jane Hager
Telephone: 425-503-0976
Email: jane@jhager.net
Veronica Hofman-Ortega
Email: fabricrepveronica@gmail.com
Telephone: 423 304-9710
Rick Rasmussen
Email: razrags@comcast.net
Barclay Prescott
Email: barclay@prescottemail.com
Telephone: 562-646-7589
Sandi Kline
Email: sandikfab@gmail.com
Telephone: 720-724-1783
Dianne Rae
Email: draetextiles@gmail.com
ph: 306-438-7499
Glennda Dafoe
Email: glennda.dafoe@outlook.com
ph: 604-302-3127
Daphne Greig
Email: info@daphnegreig.com
ph: 778-426-3101
Eileen McCagherty
ph: 403-304-5815
Email: eileenroberta@gmail.com
James Austin
Email: jamerchandising@yahoo.com
ph: 902-667-2000
Paul Duffet
Email: paul_050@live.com
ph.: (709) 486-0701
James Austin
Email: jamesaustinsales@gmail.com
ph: 902-667-2000
Kirsten Stefanini
(As East as Brighton/ Cambellford/ Minden)
(As North as Mac Tier/ Rosseau)
Email: Kirsten@fabricsales.ca
Paul Leger
(As West as Brighton, Stirling/ Bancroft)
(As South as Parry Sound/ Burk's Falls)
James Austin
Email: jamerchandising@yahoo.com
ph: 902-667-2000
Paul Leger
Eileen McCagherty
ph: 403-304-5815
Email: eileenroberta@gmail.com
XLN Fabrics
2/21 Binney Rd
Kings Park NSW
2148 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9621 3066
Website: www.xln.com.au
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Hanyang, Wuhan, Hubei
Contact: Chen Ling
Tel: (86)18162707379
Email: linda.chen@chulyquilt.com
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Czech Republic:
Mez Crafts Czech Republic
+420 461 616 633
MEZ Crafts Slovakia
+421 2 32 303 119
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Behrens Fabrics- Retail
Manchester UK
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Yamachu Mengyo Co.,Ltd.
Website: www.yamachu-mengyo.co.jp
Contact: Naoto Kagata
Email: kagata@yamachu-mengyo.co.jp
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Fabco NZ Limited
Telephone: +64 07 829 5205
Website: https://www.fabco.co.nz/
Email: info@fabco.co.nz
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
C/Atlántico, 6
Pol. Ind. Los Olivos
Ajalvir 28864 Madrid Spain
Email: info@bordelay.com
Web Site: www.bordelay.com
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
MEZ Crafts Slovakia
+421 2 32 303 119
Czech Republic:
Mez Crafts Czech Republic
+420 461 616 633
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
C/Atlántico, 6
Pol. Ind. Los Olivos
Ajalvir 28864 Madrid Spain
Email: info@bordelay.com
Web Site: www.bordelay.com
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Industrial Textiles A/S
Engholm Parkvej 1
DK 3450 Allerod
Telefon: +45 48 17 20 55
E-mail: mail@indutex.dk
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Cotton & Color
Bahnhofstrasse 28
4125 Riehen 1
Cheer Champ Co., Ltd.
11th Fl., Universal Center No. 175, Sec. 1 Tatung Rd.,
Hsi Chih, New Taipei City 221, Taiwan
FAX: 886-2-2641-0739
EMAIL: pndc@cces.com.tw
Quilt Republic
Bangkok 10240 Thailand
EMAIL: quiltrepublic@yahoo.com
WEBSITE: www.quilt-republic.com
Verachtert N.V.
Molseweg 132
2440 Geel, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)14 58 01 11
Email: info@verachtert.be
Website: www.verachtert.be
Contact: Mariia Nelga
Email: info@quilt.studio
Website: www.quilt.studio
Krakow Poland
Kyiv Ukraine
Behrens Fabrics- Retail
Manchester UK
Northcott is proud to support the following charitable organizations.
Founded by Linda Arye in the year 2000, Quilts for Kids Inc. creates brightly colored patchwork quilts for kids. These are children with life-threatening illnesses as well as children of abuse.
Northcott donates childrens' fabrics to support Quilts for Kids in their cause.
Visit their website at www.quiltsforkids.org to learn more about Quilts for Kids and find out
how you can get involved to turn tears into smiles by helping to send patchwork quilts to
children in need of comfort and support.
Blue Star Mom Catherine Roberts began the Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF) from her
sewing room in Seaford, Delaware in 2003. Her son Nathanael’s year-long deployment to Iraq provided the initial inspiration, and her desire to see that returning warriors were welcomed home with the love and gratitude they deserved, provided the rest.
QOVF has become a national grassroots community service effort, connecting the home-front with wounded combat warriors and veterans. The mission of QOVF is to cover servicemembers and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor. Visit www.qovf.org to see how you can get involved to help support your country.
Northcott proudly supports the QOVF by creating patriotic collections exclusively for the USA, donating fabric and printing brochures.
QOV - Canada Society organizes and facilitates the making and distribution of quilts for
injured Canadian soldiers and military personnel. Their mission is to ensure that they are
recognized for their bravery and commitment of their true patriotism to Canada. They give
this support through the presentation of quilts of comfort.
Quilts of Valour are being made by quilters registered across the country. They have quilts going out to armed forces bases, rehabilitation hospitals and veteran's homes right across the country. Visit www.quiltsofvalour.ca to learn more and see how you can get involved to support your country!
American Patchwork & Quilting is challenging you to help reach the goal of donating one
million pillowcases to local charities. Many charities can benefit from the donation of a
pillowcase and the challenge gives you the opportunity to donate and make a difference in
your community.
Northcott proudly sponsors this cause by providing fabric and by raising awareness through
our online social media avenues. It’s such an easy and fun way to make a difference in your
own community. Please visit their website for free pillowcase patterns, a listing of local quilt
shops that are involved and a suggested list of charities to which you can make a pillowcase
donation. www.allpeoplequilt.com/millionpillowcases/faqs
USA Office | Canadian Office |
1050 Valley Brook Avenue | 101 Courtland Avenue |
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 | Vaughan, Ontario L4K 3T5 |
T: (201) 672-9600 | Tel: (905) 760-0072 |
F: (201) 672 -9675 | Fax: (905) 760-0073 |
Email: info2@northcott.com
Office Hours Eastern Time:
Warehouse Hours: |
Email: Info@northcott.com
Warehouse Hours: |